Example: Website Top Nav With Submenus From JavaScript (YUI Library)
The purpose of this function is to quickly see and change some of the important fields in a product’s file.
  • The data fields that you can change are:
    1. UOM – Unit of Measurement
    2. Weight – if the product is catch weight, fix weight, or non-weight
    3. Category
    4. Type
    5. MinCatchWt – Minimum Catch Weight
    6. MaxCatchWt – Maximum Catch Weight
    7. UOM Wt – Unit of Measurement Weight
    8. Status
  • You only need to enter a minimum or maximum catch weight if the product is catch weight. Otherwise, leave it blank.
  • Likewise, you only need to enter an UOM Wt, if the product is a fixed weight. Otherwise, leave it blank.
  • After making the changes on one page of products, you MUST SAVE BEFORE ADVANCING TO THE NEXT PAGE. Otherwise the changes you made on the current page of products will be lost. For instance, if you have 18 products, there will be 2 pages of products because each page can only show 15 products. Therefore, if you made some changes on the first page and want to also make some changes on the second page, you must save the first page before moving to the second.
Now you are ready to batch update products!

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